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Professor Tony Monk is an accomplished author. He has produced two architectural books and numerous publications featuring architectural projects.
Tony Monk’s latest book was published by John Wiley and Son in 2004. It is a specialist health care publication and titled “Hospital Builders”. Britain is in the middle of the largest expansion of health care buildings since the inception of the National Health Service Act in 1947. This quality book traces these momentous changes that are transforming the Health Service and provides valuable information for all those participating in the design, construction and subsequent management of this huge hospital rebuilding programme.
“Hospital Builders” offers a comprehensive appraisal of 32 case studies covering significant healthcare projects in Britain and around the world. Each is thoroughly analysed with critical descriptions, plans, illustrations and photographs to provide creative information that is of assistance to architects, contractors and managers and all those involved in the procurement and subsequent occupation of these facilities.
Current practitioners contribute from first hand experience and anticipate the implications of private finance initiatives and competitive health care partnerships. The central theme throughout the book is the abiding importance of high quality hospital architecture and the therapeutic benefits to be gained by friendly, human healthcare environments.
Diana Rowntree writes a moving Tribute to Sir Philip Powell, identifying the major role his practice, Powell and Moya, has played in the evolution of modern hospital architecture. The Foreword is even more poignant. It is written by Sir Philip Powell himself just a few months before he died and revealing his life-long commitment to architecture with a human face.
ISBN 0-471-48964-6 224pp Hardback WILEY-ACADEMY
You can order this book online from the Wiley Academy website: Buy Hospital BuildersHis first book, was published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd in 1999, and titled “The Art and Architecture of Paul Rudolph”. This Biography is written as a memorial tribute to Paul Rudolph by graduates whom he taught at the Yale School of Architecture; many of which have subsequently become internationally acclaimed in their own right and some of whom contribute to this book with personal pen-portraits that describe his influence on their subsequent careers. These include Lord Richard Rogers, Lord Norman Foster and Robert Stem as well as Tony Monk. Norman Foster wrote the Foreword.
This book is the first comprehensive study of Paul Rudolph’s life work and features 23 of his famous projects. It uses original material to illustrate the dynamic designs and superb graphics to describe why Paul Rudolph was probably America’s most talented Late Modernist architect.
ISBN 0-471-99778-1 1 28pp Softback WILEY-ACADEMY